Episode XIX
Relaxing Bath
Jack The Cubist
Little Bruce
Universe Harpmony
Blue Panther (Methamphetapink)
The Creation of Bender
I Dont Like Logo (Dark Tees)
Fatness Gym
Rogers Triumph
Indiana Joneggs
Eggs Kiss
Good Health World
Los 40 son la edad madura de la juventud
De camino a casa
In Another Galaxy
Feeding The Shark Coffee
Don Simeone
We are all made of Stars
Bebe a bordo
Breakfast in Gaul
Like Logo (Dark Tees)
I Dont Like Logo (Light Tees)
Air Logan (Red)
Tony My Friend
Three Hundregg
Shachi (Killer Whale)
Good Morning World
Los 50 son la juventud de la madurez
Stranger Years
Galactic Cowboy
Imperial Gigolo
Kung Fu Po-cket
Darth Quijote
Mother of Stars
Scrabble Things
Scooby Surf
Like Logo (Light Tees)
Cookie Moonlight
Air Logan (White)
Brothers In The Long Night
God Save The Clown
Geiko &Maiko
Good Night World
Women's Power